At Sibelga, our mission is clear: to ensure reliable and quality access to energy for all Brussels customers. When it comes to the energy transition, the challenge is not just technological and operational. We also need to ensure that everyone has access to low-carbon energy at an affordable cost, whatever their level of income. As a key player in the energy market in Brussels, Sibelga strives to be a partner in an energy transition that is accessible and affordable for everyone.
Now, more than ever, it is time to work together. Sibelga has reiterated this on numerous occasions over the past year, notably at its Stakeholders Event last November entitled “Connecting for an energizing future”. Making a success of an affordable, inclusive and diversified energy transition requires the support of many public and private players, well beyond the energy world alone: local and regional authorities, companies active in mobility or construction, public bodies responsible for employment, training, regional development, innovation and so on. The public will also need to play their part.
3 major challenges await us in Brussels in the short term:
– Maximise the simultaneous production and local consumption of renewable energy;
– Ease the transition to sustainable, low-carbon mobility; ;
– Prepare the future of heating.
We will meet these challenges through our 3 roles: as the operator of the gas, electricity and public lighting networks in Brussels, as a market facilitator and as a partner to the authorities.
Since 2023, we have been stepping up the pace: 25,000 new smart meters have been installed on our customers’ premises this year, with the aim of installing 52,000 by 2024 and then of increasing this number to cover 80% of the customer base by 2030. By the end of 2023, Sibelga’s public lighting network will already include 20% smart LED lighting. What’s more, Brussels residents already have an electric vehicle charging point within 150 metres, while the roll-out of this charging network continues.
At the same time, as you will read in these pages, we are strengthening our links with all the stakeholders involved by increasing the number of consultations, proactive meetings, exchanges, participation in working groups, etc. We are convinced that dialogue and collaboration are key to continuing this acceleration and achieving our common objectives.
To conclude, in 2023 Sibelga also passed a symbolic milestone: last year we celebrated our 20th anniversary. Over the past 20 years, our company, like the energy sector, has undergone many changes. Many more are on the horizon for the next 20 years. We’re proud of what we’ve achieved so far, and look forward to working with you to build the future!